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Products from Fujinon


Lenses for industrial image processing with an excellent cost-performance ratio.

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- HF35HA-1S
Lenses, Standard Lens, Fujinon, Fixed focal, C mount, 1.5 MP, F1.6, F1.6 - 22, up to 2/3 inch, Image circle: 11 mm, FL: 35 mm, BFL: 15.03 mm, MOD 250 mm, Distortion: 0.1%, M25.5x0.5, Shock and vibration resistant
- HF75HA-1S
Lenses, Standard Lens, Fujinon, Fixed focal, C mount, 1.5 MP, F2.8, F2.8 - 22, up to 2/3 inch, Image circle: 11 mm, FL: 75 mm, BFL: 15.75 mm, MOD 1100 mm, Distortion: 0.36%, M30.5x0.5, Shock and vibration resistant
- CF12ZA-1S
Lenses, Standard Lens, Fujinon, Fixed focal, C mount, 23 MP, F1.8 - 16, up to 1.1 inch, FL: 12 mm, BFL: 21.9 mm, MOD 100 mm, Distortion: -2.82%, M37.5 x 0.5 , Anti Shock & Vibration Technology
- CF16ZA-1S
Lenses, Standard Lens, Fujinon, Fixed focal, C mount, 23 MP, F1.8 - 16, up to 1.1 inch, FL: 16 mm, BFL: 21.85 mm, MOD 100 mm, Distortion: -0.8%, M37.5 x 0.5 , Anti Shock & Vibration Technology
- CF25ZA-1S
Lenses, Standard Lens, Fujinon, Fixed focal, C mount, 23 MP, F1.8 - 16, up to 1.1 inch, FL: 25 mm, BFL: 22.8 mm, MOD 100 mm, Distortion: -0.83%, M37.5 x 0.5 , Anti Shock & Vibration Technology
- CF50ZA-1S
Lenses, Standard Lens, Fujinon, Fixed focal, C mount, 23 MP, F2.4 - 16, up to 1.1 inch, FL: 50 mm, BFL: 21.18 mm, MOD 200 mm, Distortion: -0.17%, M37.5 x 0.5 , Anti Shock & Vibration Technology
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